I woke up early morning and left Sekong pretty fast – as there is not much to see here. You can see my very cheap (and a bit run down) guest house on the photos – it doesn’t mean, however, that there were no other hotels around – quite the opposite, there is a large choice for such a remote town. The way back to Pakse was surprisingly smooth – just few kilometres were not paved. I have made a stop to see the main attraction and my purpose of this trip – breathtaking Nam Tok Katamtok waterfall. It is very easy to pass by without noticing it, the only sign pointing to its location is very small and barely visible. I am not sure if it is possible to come any closer to the waterfall itself – probably not – and I would never try just going there through the forest on my own, as it could be tragic if there were any UXOs (unexploded ordnances) left from the Indochina war.
On the way to Pakse I stopped by few coffee plantations and some other waterfalls – Tat Cham Pee and Tat E-Tu. My return to Pakse was delayed some good two hours, as it started to rain heavily while I was at one of those waterfalls – and it just wouldn’t stop for the entire two hours.
Next day morning I valiantly climbed the stairs of the neighbouring hill, where a large Buddha statue is located, together with a viewpoint. I took photos of Pakse from the other side of the Mekong river and continued my journey to the southernmost part of Laos – Si Phan Don (Four Thousand Islands).
From Sekong (A) to Pakse (B)

My very cheap (and a bit run down) guest house in Sekong on the outside…
Mój bardzo tani (i nieco zaniedbany) hotelik w Sekong z zewnątrz…

…and my guest house inside. Sekong, Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
…i mój hotelik wewnątrz. Sekong, Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos

Landscape of Dong Hua Sao National Bio-Diversity Conservation Area. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Krajobraz parku narodowego Dong Hua Sao. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Beautiful waterfall – Nam Tok Katamtok. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Piękny wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Beautiful waterfall – Nam Tok Katamtok. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Piękny wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Close-up on Nam Tok Katamtok waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Zbliżenie na wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Beautiful waterfall – Nam Tok Katamtok. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Piękny wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Beautiful waterfall – Nam Tok Katamtok. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Piękny wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Beautiful waterfall – Nam Tok Katamtok. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Piękny wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Me and Nam Tok Katamtok waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Ja i wodospad Nam Tok Katamtok. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

The toughest part of the road from Sekong to Pakse. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Najtrudniejszy odcinek drogi z Sekong do Pakse. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

One of many coffee plantations. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Jedna z wielu plantacji kawy. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Some kind of nuts growing next to the coffee. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Jakiś rodzaj orzechów rosnący obok kawy. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat Cham Pee waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat Cham Pee. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat Cham Pee waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat Cham Pee. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat Cham Pee waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat Cham Pee. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat Cham Pee waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat Cham Pee. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat Cham Pee waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat Cham Pee. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat E-Tu waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat E-Tu. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat E-Tu waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat E-Tu. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Tat E-Tu waterfall. Bolaven Plateau, Laos.
Wodospad Tat E-Tu. Płaskowyż Bolaven, Laos.

Panoramic view of Pakse with Lao-Japanese bridge.
Panorama Pakse z Laotańsko-Japońskim mostem.

On the way to the viewpoint. Pakse, Laos.
Po drodze do punktu widokowego. Pakse, Laos.

View of Pakse with Lao-Japanese bridge.
Widok na Pakse z Laotańsko-Japońskim mostem.

View of Pakse with Lao-Japanese bridge.
Widok na Pakse z Laotańsko-Japońskim mostem.

Buddha image at the viewpoint. Pakse, Laos.
Wizerunek Buddhy na punkcie widokowym. Pakse, Laos.

The scenery outside Pakse city.
Widok na okolice Pakse.
My Point of View – Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, South East Asia…